Guided Sleep Meditation by Dr. Prudence Hall

Drift off into unconsciousness with this beautiful and tranquil sleep meditation; created and narrated by Dr. Prudence Hall. Listen to this meditation every night before bed for a deeper, richer and longer sleep.

Sleep is essential for our bodies to heal, fight infection and keep our immune system strong and effective. Now, more important than ever, deep sleep is essential to ensure we remain healthy.

Now is the time for your meditation so settle deeper into your bed sleepy and cozy. Close your eyes and relax; you don't need them now your night vision is coming alive. Put your hands down and relax your side. Feel the tension begin to leave your body. Take a deep breath in through your nose, the air expanding your abdomen, and then release it; feeling your abdomen relax.

Breathe slowly, filling and expanding. In and out. Relaxing and unwinding. In and out. Your tongue gently touching the roof of your mouth. This breath, this precious breath, connecting you to life. Feel sleepy energy entering your body, the river of life connected. It’s a warm summers night, strolling on a deserted beach with miles of white sand under your feet. The sand is still warm from the day and as you'll walk the softness of the sand massages your feet. Three seagulls take their final flight in the moon light. The stars, so bright in the night sky they reflect off the white sand Heaven and earth united. The night air brushing against your skin. A mother's sweet caress. A wave envelopes your feet; so warm and soothing. Your breath slows to match the rhythm of the waves; in and out. You are the creator of your life. Now on your deep quiet sleep. You received a restoration of deep quiet back. Goodnight, goodnight dear one. Sweet dreams.

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