Gluten Free & Organic Vegetable Wok Rice


In quarantine we’ve experienced many nights where the fridge is empty and there’s quite literally nothing to cook. That’s when we start digging deep into the freezer, which almost always results in us making our crowd favorite wok rice. We named this wok rice instead of friend rice because this recipe calls for a very limited amount of oil and is not fried in the typical sense. This recipe uses minimal oil and instead uses the water content in the frozen veggies, along with the other sauces to evenly coat the rice with a delicious flavor.


2 cups organic brown rice

1 package organic frozen broccoli

1 package organic frozen mixed veggies (peas, carrots, corn, green beans

1/2 yellow onion

5 garlic cloves

1 TBS Coconut Oil

1/3 cup tamari (this a gluten free soy sauce)

Sriracha Hot Sauce

2 eggs

chili oil (Only use if you like spicy food!)

Cilantro topping

Ground cardamom

Cayenne pepper

Dried ground ginger


Rice First

First step - cook the rice completely before starting the veggies! Use the golden rice rule of 1:2 ratio - 1 cup rice to 2 cups water. For this recipe we use 2 cups of rice, so use 4 cups of water in the rice cooker or stove top. Cooking the rice first eliminates the awkward wait for the rice to cook at the end. So knock it out, get the rice in the rice cooker and then sit back for 30 minutes while the rice cooks up. Usually the most difficult aspect of cooking amazing food is the timing of each ingredient to ensure everything cooks perfectly and not one ingredient is over cooked or under cooked. This rice dish really doesn’t require any precise timing which makes it the perfect dish for everyone.


Veggie Base

Once the rice is cooked, cut the onion into cubes, crush the 5 garlic cloves and add it to the wok along with 1 TBS of coconut oil. Let these brown lightly for 5-7 minutes on medium heat. Once browned, sprinkle in the dry seasoning to taste - ground cardamom, cayenne pepper, dried ground ginger, and cinnamon. Once the garlic and onions are fully seasoned toss in all of the frozen veggies - cook these down for an additional 7 minutes. Add the 1/3 cup tamari, sriracha hot sauce, and chili oil (if you like spice). Once the veggies are all hot, fold in the rice until the sauce is evenly distributed throughout the rice.


mmm’ Toppings :)

What would a big bowl of veggie wok rice be without some yummy toppings?! Our favorite toppings are fresh cilantro and an over medium skillet egg. Top with your favorite hot sauces (like Sriracha) and enjoy!


1. All ingredients


2. Cook Rice


3. Chop onion and garlic


4. Sauté onions and garlic


5. Dry seasonings


6. Season the onions


7. Cook up the veggies


8. Fold in cooked rice


9. Cook egg over medium


Enjoy! :)

Our Health Journal

Conrad ByronComment